Industrial Hemp in the news

1.    New Demand Drivers Build Up U.S. Hemp Markets 

-Seed World

 One company that is excited about this new spotlight is New West Genetics, located in Fort Collins, Colo.

“We’ve seen a decrease in CBD acreage in 2019 and in 2020 as well, but we’re seeing a pickup again in 2021 acreage on the grain and fiber side,” says Wendy Mosher, CEO of New West Genetics. “Though, I’m glad we saw that CBD decrease. Everyone was so excited about CBD, no one did the math on how many acres you actually need to serve that market.”

2.    A new building in France makes the case for hemp to replace concrete

-Fast Company

“Building materials are responsible for 11% of global carbon emissions, and as the building industry continues to look for ways to lower its carbon footprint, scientists, architects and manufacturers alike are turning to natural materials. Together with other biomaterials like algae, mycelium, or even coffee husks, hemp is gaining popularity as one of the world’s most sustainable materials—if only we didn’t have to jump through regulatory hoops to grow it.”


3.    Nebraska Start-Up Using Hemp Pellets to Produce Sunglasses for Retail Purchase

– Lincoln Journal Star

“The world is saturated with oil-based plastics. If we can get something that degrades faster in wider use, our world might be greener and our future a lot brighter,” 


4.    Can Hemp Hurds Facilitate Weed Prevention in Strawberry Harvests? 

Cambridge University Press

“we concluded that hemp mulch may provide more durable weed suppression compared to paper mulch, which would increase strawberry yield protection in an MRP system.” 

5.    Texas researchers say they may have solved the problem of hot hemp

-Hemp Industry Daily

“AgriLife and GTR are demonstrating that industrial hemp, like other agricultural commodities, can be studied and analyzed for the benefit of producers, consumers and other actors in the supply chain,” 

6.    Hemp grower crowdfunds court case, tokenizes shares in settlement

-Coin Telegraph

“The Initial Litigation Offering is being used to help a hemp grower crowdfund legal fees in a fight against California, and has important implications for a new type of fund raising with crypto.”


Sikeston Agri-park Field Trial Planting with Lincoln University
