Hemp is a mass market disruptor that checks all the boxes. Most importantly, it is playing a role in major corporate sustainability strategies and this trend will intensify and demand a product like hemp over time.

“There is no difference between our business strategy and our sustainability strategy . . . they are totally integrated”.

-Alan Jope, CEO, Unilever.


Why is Sustainability Important?

Human emission of carbon dioxide is a primary driver of climate change and presents one of the world’s most pressing challenges.

Topping a long list of environmental benefits of hemp is the fact that hemp can naturally trap and hold CO2 more efficiently than any other commercial crop at amazingly high rates.


Carbon Sequestration

Hemp production is carbon negative which means that throughout the crop cycle hemp begins absorbing more carbon from the atmosphere through its growth than is emitted by the equipment used to harvest, process, and transport it. Research has shown that every 2.5 acres of industrial hemp has the potential to sequester 10.5 metric tons of carbon dioxide annually, subsequently returning that carbon to the soil through a process called biosequestration.

Cotton uses 20% more water than hemp to grow & 25% of the world’s pesticides.

Cotton uses 20% more water than hemp to grow & 25% of the world’s pesticides.

Hemp Plastic is non-toxic, biodegradable, & stronger than conventional plastic.

Hemp Plastic is non-toxic, biodegradable, & stronger than conventional plastic.

One acre of hemp yields as much paper as 4 acres of trees, all in a 100 day growing season.

One acre of hemp yields as much paper as 4 acres of trees, all in a 100 day growing season.

Hemp based biofuel is 86% greener than gasoline and can be used in existing transportation vehicles.

Hemp based biofuel is 86% greener than gasoline and can be used in existing transportation vehicles.


To date, the majority of industrial hemp has been grown in foreign countries as the US only made it legal nationally with the Farm Bill of 2018. There are many American companies using foreign hemp in their products. MNF is here to help change that with natural biomaterials grown, processed, and packaged in the USA.