Industrial hemp will disrupt global mass markets for materials and thus become a major rotational commodity crop in the US.

Midwest Natural Fiber intends to anchor this opportunity in the Midwest region benefitting farmers, creating manufacturing jobs and providing hemp materials to end users.

“The industrial hemp market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 34% from USD 4.6 billion in 2019 to USD 26.6 billion by 2025”


By type, the hemp fiber segment is expected to dominate the market. Currently Hemp fiber is most commonly used in the textile and pulp and paper industry, due to its long and robust fibers as compared to cotton. We see the list of industrial applications expanding rapidly because of hemp's unparalleled versatility as a biomaterial thanks to its optimal strength-to-weight ratio.

Being a renewable source material, its application has been increasing in many diverse industries such as construction, animal bedding, agriculture, furniture, automobile and airline parts. Additionally its usage can replace biofuels and bioplastics in the coming years.

Current barriers to success

1) Dependable hemp for fiber seed genetics. MNF has begun to optimize strains for Missouri soil conditions as well as end products. This will take several years to have the seed bank to scale.

2) Large-scale processing plants are not established to bridge the supply chain gap between farmers and the end customer. MNF is building the first major decortication processing facility in southern Missouri to begin completing the chain.


Industry Solution


Seed Sources

2021 marks our 3rd year growing hemp which includes variety trials and contracted acreage with regional farming partners. We have experience with seed genetics from around the globe helping us establish the optimal seeds for Missouri’s climate and soil conditions.

Agronomy Network

American farmers are the foundation of the entire hemp industry. If the farmers don't see black ink at the end of the day, there is no hemp industry. We have partnered with strategic, thought-leading farmers to create an agronomy program that ensures the farmer benefits first from the re-introduction of hemp into major crop rotations.

Equipment MFGs

We’ve visited major equipment manufacturers around the world to understand the wide range of available equipment and have custom-designed the optimal set-up from various systems to execute our scale-up strategy of decortication and value-added processing.

Plant Operators

We’ve toured facilities and formed collaborative relationships with global leaders in the hemp industry that will be pivotal in developing the US market.

Manufacturing Customers

We’re working closely with strategic customers in target market segments to establish optimal material specifications to ensure the commercial viability of our processed hemp fiber and hurd material.